Without EU quotas, sugar sector struggles with low prices
The outlook for the European sugar sector is not good at the moment, according to the director-general of the European Association of Sugar Manufacturers (CEFS).
The outlook for the European sugar sector is not good at the moment, according to the director-general of the European Association of Sugar Manufacturers (CEFS).
Post-vote analysis in Sweden show that there seems to be no direct correlation between the number of refugees living in a given city and the increase in the ballots casted for the Sweden Democrats
An exclusive analysis of the EDJNet journalists, whose members we, Pod črto, are, reveals how fast the European cities are warming.
An exclusive analysis of over 100 million meteorological data points shows that every major city in Europe is warmer in the 21st century than it was in the 20th. Subarctic regions, Andalusia and southern Romania are most affected.
While the economic turnaround is undeniable, Portugal’s recovery still conceals some grey areas.
What do the most recurrent terms in the EU Commission president's annual speech at the European Parliament say about the present and future of the Union?
The big debates on the EU's future that traditionally follow the State of the Union address (also known as SOTEU) by EC Commission President Juncker at the European Parliament did not grab all the attention of Brussels-watchers today.
On 10 August, more than 100,000 citizens rallied in Bucharest to protest against the rampant corruption that cripples the Social-Democrats-led government and makes thousands of educated young people flee the country in search for better opportunities.
On August 20th, Greece stepped out from under the supervision of the Troika. Its intervention will go down in history as a model of what not to do when you really want to help a nation recover.
Every year, almost 100,000 Europeans seek asylum in EU countries, and the number of applications continues to grow. Yet this is a phenomenon which remains at the margins of the debate on asylum – and that on EU enlargement.