Wildfires in Europe

© Una Rebić/Pod črto
Due to climate change, large or even extreme wildfires are becoming an increasingly serious threat in many regions of Europe. Forest and rural fires used to be mostly limited to Southern Europe, but global warming makes them more and more likely to happen in other regions as well. How prepared are the different regions and countries in dealing with wildfires? What practices increase or reduce fire risk? How can communities and the environment recover from a large wildfire?
EDJNet is exploring these and other angles of the phenomenon, relying both on data-driven analyses and on other journalistic approaches, including reporting from the field.
Greece's current wildfire prediction map lacks transparency and fails to account for real-time weather changes, resulting in inadequate response to rapidly evolving fire conditions.
August 25, 2023
The rural exodus and the climate crisis have transformed Europe's countryside, and with it the fires that affect the continent every summer.
August 24, 2023
Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine led to a surge in forest and rural fires across the country. Combating them is all the more difficult amidst the war that binds all resources and unexploded mines that contaminate the territory.
August 7, 2023
On the first anniversary of the fire in the Bohemian Switzerland National Park, a reporter and photographer from Deník Referendum spent a day there in the company of local experts Dana Vébrová and Jakub Hruška. What they saw contradicts much conventional wisdom.
August 3, 2023
Eucalyptus, a tree species that thrives on fire, now accounts for 28% of the forests in the Spanish region of Galicia. The situation has come about through the policies of the local Popular Party.
July 24, 2023
Romania has a temperate continental climate, which does not make it prone to forest fires. So why do so many of them happen? Fire risk is going to increase even further due to climate change – but the country seems not to be fully prepared for it yet.
July 12, 2023
Last year Croatia’s coastal region was hit by an intense wave of forest fires, one of the worst in recent years. But the country has been gearing up to cope – partly thanks to EU funding.
July 7, 2023
Vegetation fires not only destroy the environment - they kill animals and people, too. Last year alone, 15 people died in Romania due to out-of-control fires - which are almost always man-made.
June 6, 2023
To regenerate and use the land, people in Romania's Danube Delta burn the vegetation. This practice becomes problematic when it occurs outside the regular season. Right now, Romania is responsible for almost half of all fires in protected areas in Europe.
June 1, 2023
The project
EDJNet’s investigation on wildfires in Europe mostly takes place in the framework of the FIRE-RES project. FIRE-RES stands for ‘Innovative technologies and socio-ecological-economic solutions for fire resilient territories in Europe’: it is a multi-annual Horizon2020 project co-funded by the European Union and coordinated by the Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia. The project aims to develop and disseminate effective solutions to prevent and manage extreme fires. FIRE-RES provides financial support as well as technical advice to EDJNet members; OBC Transeuropa acts as a bridge between the project and the network.