More than one in four young employed in Europe work on weekends
Weekend work is daily business for 29 percent of Europeans aged 20 to 34.

Photo: Yan Song/Flickr
More than one in four young employed in Europe work on weekends
Weekend work is daily business for 29 percent of Europeans aged 20 to 34.
Photo: Yan Song/Flickr
Across Europe, 29 percent of young employed persons aged 20 to 34 years usually worked on weekends in 2016, according to the Labour Force Survey run by Eurostat. “At EU level, young employed with a low level education (lower secondary or below) are most likely to work on weekends (37 percent), followed by those with a medium level of education, defined as upper secondary or post-secondary non-tertiary education (33 percent)”.
Apart from Portugal, young employed with tertiary education (20 percent) are least likely to work on weekends in all EU Member States than those with a lower level of education (33 percent). However, the survey points to the fact that “those with tertiary education are most likely to work long hours (49 hours or more per week)”.
Almost one young in two employed in Greece works on weekends (47 percent). More than one young in three in Italy (40 percent), followed by those in Ireland (38 percent), Cyprus and the Netherlands (36 percent), Spain (35 percent) and the United Kingdom (34 percent). By contrast, Hungary recorded the lowest proportion of young employed working on weekends (11 percent), followed by Portugal (12 percent), Poland (13 percent), the Czech Republic and Croatia.
Amongst the young female employed in Europe, Greek, British, Icelandic and Cypriote women are the ones who work the most in main jobs.